
Beyond the balance sheet

To assess likely success in the long term, it is vital to look at the organisation as a whole and how it is run.


Farrah Kitabi, Sayer Vincent

Financial difficulties are sometimes symptomatic of an organisation’s culture.

The way that an organisation approaches planning, manages staff, monitors performance, and exercises good governance, all contribute to how well it performs financially and the charitable impact it has.

The aim of this practical seminar is to provide participants with an understanding of the importance of the overall ‘control environment’ and what might be the warning signs  to look out for when assessing organisations for the first time and during routine monitoring.

There will be an opportunity to work through case studies and practical examples, and to build up a practical checklist that can be used when making assessments.

This seminar is focussed on good financial management rather than the interpretation of accounts.

Will interest:

Those involved in assessing the financial performance of grant applicants, who have either attended the Reading applicants’ accounts course or are confident in reading a set of accounts.

Non-members are welcome to attend this event if they meet the criteria for ACF membership


If you would like to discuss access requirements, please contact [email protected]

Please note that this event might contain discussions of sensitive topics or information.